主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020,No: 21676224)
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014-2017,No: 21376198)
主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(2012-2014,No: 21106122)
[1] Zhang L, Huang ZF, Fu YY, Song RC, Yi ZM, Zhou YF, Han LC*. Experimental study on the differences between bubble and drop breakages in agitated turbulent flows.AIChE Journal, 2024, e18442.
[2] Song RC, Zhang L, Yi ZM,Zhou YF*,Yuan HZ, Han LC*. On the role of the macroscopic deformation in liquid film drainage between bubbles.AIChE Journal, 2023,69: e18044.
[3] Song RC, Han LC*, Zhang L, Tang SY. Experiments and modeling of bubbles colliding head-on in water.AIChE Journal, 2021, 67(6): e17220.
[4] Li M, Han LC*, Luo X*, Luo HA.The kinetics modeling and reactor simulation of propylene chlorination reaction process.AIChE Journal, 2021, 67(10): e17341.
[5] Gong SG*, Gao NN, Han LC*, Luo HA. A theoretical model for bubble coalescence by coupling film drainage with approach processes.Chemical Engineering Science,2020, 213: 115387.
[6] Gong SG, Han LC*, Luo HA*. A novel multiscale theoretical model for droplet coalescence induced by turbulence in the framework of entire energy spectrum.Chemical Engineering Science,2018,176:377–399.
[7] Han LC*, Fu J, Li M, Gong SG, Gao NN, Zhang C, Luo HA*. A theoretical unsteady-state model for kLof bubbles based on the framework of wide energy spectrum.AIChE Journal, 2016, 62: 1007–1022.
[8] Han LC*, Gong SG, Ding YW, Fu J, Gao NN, Luo HA*. Consideration of low viscous droplet breakage in the framework of the wide energy spectrum and the multiple fragments.AIChE Journal, 2015, 61(7): 2147-2168.
[9] Han LC*, Gong SG, Li YQ, Gao NN, Fu J, Luo HA*, Liu ZF. Influence of energy spectrum distribution on drop breakage in turbulent flows.Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 117: 55-70.
[10] Han LC, Gong SG, Li YQ, Ai QH, Luo HA*, Liu YJ, Liu ZF. A novel theoretical model of breakage rate and daughter size distribution for droplet in turbulent flows.Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 102: 186-199.